防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价
防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价
防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价
防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价
防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价
防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价
防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价






联系人 边进辉 经理



发货地 河北省保定市
立即询价 进入商铺


手机扫码 快速查看


品牌 乐丰模具
货号 防撞带模具
工艺类型 焊接成型
作用对象 混凝土
主要加工设备 切割机 折弯机 机床 焊机
加工设备数量 150台
适用范围 道路工程
质量体系 ISO9001
模具材质 钢板

防撞带模具 防撞护栏模具 厂家直销无差价


The isolation strip mold produces cement isolation strip for traffic construction. The production process of steel isolation strip mold used by us is relatively simple and can be used in various environments. It is suitable for outdoor engineering construction by shaking the cement into the mold. The increasing demand of cement isolation strip steel mould is the requirement of building an ecological society. Our requirement for the production of mould is more and more energy-saving and environmental protection. An environment-friendly mould is favored by the market. Our pollution will be serious in urban construction. So when we choose products, we also choose the green one. The cement isolation strip steel mould meets our needs. To contribute to the greening of road traffic, at the same time, the production of moulds is standardized and convenient, and the design of turning edge is added to make it more convenient and convenient for us to release moulds and shorten the production and processing time.


Isolation strip steel mold can be customized according to customer's requirements. The size, thickness and height of the main board can be made according to customer's requirements. The number of ribs is generally 5, which can be increased according to customer's wishes. The more the number of ribs, the stronger the mold, the less easy to deform, and the more stable the isolation pier is injected into concrete. Compared with ordinary dies, our factory has the characteristics of higher temperature resistance, impact resistance, longer service life, easier cleaning and less corrosion. Our isolation strip steel mold adopts the reversal design, which is more convenient to operate. It abandons the traditional buttoning, uses screw fixation, and uses electric wrench conveniently and quickly.


公司名称 保定市清苑区乐丰模盒模具加工厂
联系卖家 边进辉 (QQ:873416854)
电话 ῡ῟῟῟῟ῨῨ῟ῨῡῨ
手机 ῡ῟῟῟῟ῨῨ῟ῨῡῨ
传真 ῧ῟ῡῨ-ῦῥῠῨ῟ῠ῟
地址 河北省保定市